Blood Witness on PodioBooks
If Blood Witness isn’t enough for you, if you crave more great novels in podiobook form, the best place to find them is They’ve got 300 novels in every genre imaginable, free for the downloading. You can grab everything all at once, or you can have a custom feed made just for you. Custom feeds let you control both the titles and the scheduling. You’ll get the books you want when you want them. And it is, of course, free.
Blood Witness is now available at PodioBooks. The episodes are identical to the episodes in the RSS and iTunes feed; the only difference is that the closing comments have been removed from the PodioBooks feed.
You want more horror? Perhaps you’d like to mix up your listening with some mystery. Of course you can’t go wrong with Science Fiction. How about some Fantasy? Or maybe some Non-fiction? They’ve got it all. And their quality control is very picky, so you can be sure whatever you try will sound great. When you’re done with this week’s episode of Blood Witness and crave more, head over to